
Stardust Status Report January 31, 2006
Dr. Peter Tsou
Stardust Deputy Principal Investigator
January 29th marks the 2-week anniversary of the picture perfect landing of
the STARDUST Sample Return Capsule in Utah. The first of four cycles of
sample harvesting (removing aerogel cells from the comet Wild 2
flight tray) for our Preliminary Examination of returned samples
reached its peak last week. The pace of sample processing (removing and
preparing the particles from the aerogel cells) has ramped up
considerably. Six particles have been removed from the aerogel.
Most of these particles were 'potted' in epoxy and the epoxy was then
sliced into very thin wafers. Additionally, we've also separated particles
along with their tracks in small pieces of aerogel. Infrared spectroscopy has
been performed on the removed particles, and half of one of the removed aerogel
cell has been examined with a X-Ray beam from a synchrotron.
The soil samples taken from the Utah landing site of the
Sample Return Capsule are been examined for their chemical
composition. One piece of the removed aluminum foil will
be examined under a Scanning Electron Microscope
to observe very small particle impacts. Some of the sliced
wafers are being readied for a Transmission Electron Microscope to
reveal the particle's mineralogy and petrology. As more of these
processed samples reach the hands of eagerly awaiting analysts
around the world, the pace of Wild 2 sample analyses - the central focus
of this Preliminary Examination - will accelerate along with the
revelation of breathtaking results. Stay tuned!
Last Updated: January 31, 2006