Stardust Status Report
December 13, 2002
During this past week, the Stardust flight team had three periods of
communication with the spacecraft courtesy of the antennas of JPL's Deep
Space Network. The telemetry relayed during this interval indicated the
spacecraft is healthy and all subsystems were running normally.
On December 9, Stardust successfully concluded its second collection
period of interstellar particles. Telemetry verified the spacecraft's
Wrist, Shoulder, and Hinge motors all performed as expected and that the
collection grid was successfully stowed. This collection period spanned
126 days.
The last of the in-flight activities associated with Stardust's
November 2 rendezvous of comet Annefrank has been completed and the
spacecraft's computer memory has been configured to the normal cruise
For more information on the Stardust mission, including details of the
recent flyby of asteroid Annefrank, please visit the Stardust home page: