Stardust Status Report
September 20, 2002
All of Stardust's subsystems are performing normally while collection of
interstellar particles continues. The spacecraft had one period of radio
contact through JPL's Deep Space Network this week.
The spacecraft has not finished transmitting a set of calibration images
taken by the navigation camera on September 3. More than half of the images
have reached the ground. As reported last week, the images show signs of
contamination on the camera's light-sensing electronic surface -- the
charge-coupled device. The contamination is less than on previous
occasions. The camera is still usable in its current condition, but
heaters will likely be turned on to remove the contamination. On a
positive note, an image through the periscope showed improvement from
previous images.
An updated version of nucleus-tracking software ran successfully in
Spacecraft Test Laboratory this week.
The review board conducting a critical event readiness review on
September 16 gave the Stardust team a positive response.
For more information on the Stardust mission - the first ever
comet sample return mission - please visit the Stardust home page: