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STARDUST Status Report

February 4, 2000

There were nine Deep Space Network (DSN) tracking passes during the past week. All spacecraft subsystems are performing as expected.

The All-Stellar performance continues to be nominal although multiple firings are occurring. The fuel usage is approximately 4 grams/day versus a budgeted 5 grams/day. The fuel usage in Gyro Based mode was approximately 3 grams. Analysis continues to determine the reason for the multiple thruster firings.

The Cometary Interplanetary Dust Analyzer (CIDA) was powered on and a calibration test was performed. After analysis of the calibration data, CIDA will be returned to its operational state.

The Command Loss Timer (CLT) was changed from nine days to fifteen days in preparation for Solar Conjunction that is expected to last about 8 days. After solar conjunction the CLT will be returned to its nominal nine-day period.

The Trajectory Correction Maneuver #3 (TCM-3), a clean-up maneuver for Deep Space Maneuver 1 will be delayed until May 24, after interstellar dust collection period 1. TCM-3 is expected to have a magnitude of about 2 meters/second, only a few tenths of a meter/second penalty for the 2 month delay. The kickoff meeting for Cruise Sequence SC015 was completed which included the deployment of the Aerogel Collector and a few Navigation Camera images to help characterize its flight performance.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Lockheed Martin (LMA) Outreach activities continue through participation in the National Science Foundation, Parents and Children as Co-Travelers Project (PACCT), with involvement from ten Challenger Centers as part of a national space exploration information dissemination workshop. Also, STARDUST provided the featured speaker for the Christa McAuliffe Teacher of the Year Award Ceremony held at the University of Nebraska.

As part of the Technology Transfer effort, a presentation on Gradient Composition Sol-Gel Materials was presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrument Engineers Photonis West 2000 Conference.

For more information on the STARDUST mission - the first ever comet sample return mission - please visit the STARDUST home page:

Last Updated: November 26, 2003
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