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Omniplex Media Advisory

November 11, 1998
Contact: Beth Bussey
(405) 602-6664

STARDUST Day in Oklahoma City.
Saturday, Nov. 14th will be STARDUST Day at the Omniplex Science Center.

Featured during the day will be the debut of the STARDUST Planetarium Show and the first public display of the STARDUST Cafe Museum Exhibit.

At 1:30 p.m., the highlight of STARDUST Day will be a Panel discussion which includes several key persons of the STARDUST mission, representing Science, Engineering and Outreach (Don Brownlee, Ken Atkins, Joe Vellinga, Peter Tsou, and Ben Clark). STARDUST Outreach representatives Aimee Whalen and Julie Malmquist will also be on hand.

The Planetarium Show will be made available to other Planetariums around the country in the next few weeks. Following this event, the STARDUST Cafe will be moved to Kennedy Space Center to support the launch at the beginning of February. After launch, the Cafe Exhibit, which has been designed to be portable, will be hosted by various museums in the U.S.

More information on Omniplex may be found at



Webmaster: Tom Meyer
Last Updated Wednesday, 26-Nov-2003 12:47:05 PST