Douglas Isbell
Headquarters, Washington, DC February 28, 1995
(Phone: 202/358-1753)
RELEASE: 95-19
A mission to study the Moon has been selected for
funding as part of NASA's Discovery Program, an on-going
Agency effort to foster the development of frequent, low-
cost solar system exploration missions. Missions to study
the Sun, Venus and a comet also have been selected for
further detailed study under the Discovery effort.
The mission to the Moon, known as Lunar Prospector,
was judged mature enough to proceed directly to full
development and construction, following final technical
definition. Scheduled for launch in June 1997, the $59
million project will map the chemical composition of the
lunar surface and the Moon's global magnetic and gravity
fields at a level of detail greater than that achieved by
previous missions. The mission also should locate any
significant quantities of water ice in shadowed craters
near the lunar poles, a key issue for any future human
The other three Discovery missions will undergo
detailed study for the next six to nine months, leading to
a fall 1995 decision to pick one for development and
flight. They are:
- Stardust, which would fly through the extended coma of
the active comet P/Wild 2, taking images and returning a
sample of its cometary dust to Earth laboratories;
- The Venus Multiprobe Mission, which would drop 16 small
probes into the thick Venusian atmosphere to enable
study of its unusual atmospheric circulation; and
- Suess-Urey, which would collect samples of solar
particle matter streaming outward from the Sun and
return it to Earth for laboratory study.
"I am absolutely thrilled with the potential of these
missions, and with the universally high quality of the 28
proposals submitted to us," said NASA Administrator Daniel
S. Goldin. "The university and aerospace industry
communities should be proud of their efforts, which
represent a model of how to pursue scientifically first-
rate space exploration using small, advanced spacecraft."
The Lunar Prospector will be built and launched on a
Lockheed Launch Vehicle by Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.,
Sunnyvale, CA, under the direction of Principal
Investigator Dr. Alan Binder of Lockheed. NASA's Ames
Research Center, Mountain View, CA, will be responsible for
one of the spacecraft's instruments and technical support.
The Suess-Urey team is led by Principal Investigator
Dr. Donald Burnett of the California Institute of
Technology Pasadena, CA, with Martin Marietta Astronautics
of Denver, CO, as the contractor. The Venus Multiprobe
Mission team is led by Principal Investigator Dr. Richard
Goody of Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, with Hughes
Space and Communications Group, El Segundo, CA, as the
industry contractor. The Stardust team is led by Principal
Investigator Dr. Donald Brownlee of the University of
Washington in Seattle, with Martin Marietta as the
contractor. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
CA, will provide project management for these three
"Discovery missions are far less expensive than any
mission we have ever done in planetary exploration, yet
they promise to deliver excellent science," said Dr. Wesley
T. Huntress Jr., NASA Associate Administrator for Space
Science. "We've turned the old way of doing business
upside down."
Formally started in NASA's FY 1994 budget, the
Discovery program features small planetary exploration
spacecraft with focused science goals that can be built in
36 months or less, for less than $150 million (FY92$), not
including the cost of the launch vehicle. The program grew
out of discussions and workshops that NASA has held with
the science community.
Stardust would be launched on a Med-Lite in February
1999 for a total cost to NASA of $208 million. The Venus
Multiprobe Mission would be launched on a Delta II launch
vehicle in June 1999 for a total cost to NASA of $202
million. Suess-Urey would be launched on a NASA Med-Lite
launch vehicle in August 1999 for a total mission cost to
NASA of $214 million.
Twenty-eight formal proposals for the next Discovery
missions were received by NASA in October 1994 in response
to an August 1994 Announcement of Opportunity (see attached
Two missions are already under development in the
Discovery program: the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous
mission, scheduled for launch in February 1996 to orbit
around the asteroid Eros beginning in January 1999; and
Mars Pathfinder, a small surface lander and rover that will
be launched to Mars in November 1996 and land in July 1997.
NASA officials hope to release Announcements of
Opportunity for new Discovery investigations on the average
of every 18 months. The actual release dates depend on
future approved NASA budgets and the size of previously
selected missions.
ASTER- Asteroid Earth Return Fanale, Fraser/Univ. Hawaii
Comet Nucleus Penetrator Boynton, William/Univ. Arizona
Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) Veverka, Joseph/Cornell
Cometary Coma Chemical Composition (C4) Carle, Glenn/ARC
Diana (Lunar & Cometary Mission) Russell, Christopher/UCLA
FRESIP-A mission to Find the Frequency Borucki, William J./ARC
of Earth-sized Inner Planets
Hermes Global Orbiter (Mercury Orbiter) Nelson, Robert/JPL
Icy Moon Mission (Lunar Orbiter) Murray, Bruce/Caltech
Interlune-One (Lunar Rovers) Schmitt, Harrison/Univ. Wisc.
Jovian Integrated Synoptic Telescope Feldman, Paul/JHU
(IO Torus investigation)
Lunar Discovery Orbiter Boynton, William/Univ. Arizona
Lunar Prospector (Lunar Orbiter) Binder, Alan B./Lockheed
Mainbelt Asteroid Exploration/Rendezvous Veverka, Joseph/Cornell
Mars Aerial Platform (Atmospheric) Greeley, Ronald/Arizona State
Mars Polar Pathfinder (Polar Lander) Paige, David/UCLA
Mars Upper Atmosphere Dynamics, Killeen, T/Univ. Michigan
Energetics and Evolution
Mercury Polar Flyby Spudis, Paul/LPI
Near Earth Asteroid Returned Sample Shoemaker, Carolyn/No. Arizona
Origin of Asteroids, Comets and Life Nozette, Stewart/ Phillips Lab.
on Earth
PELE: A Lunar Mission to Study Taylor, G. Jeffrey/Univ. HI
Planetary Volcanism
Planetary Research Telescope Broadfoot, A. Lyle/Univ. Arizona
Rendezvous with a Comet Nucleus (RECON) Squyres, Steven/Cornell
Suess-Urey (Solar Wind Sample Return) Burnett, Donald S./Caltech
Small Missions to Asteroids and Comets Belton, Michael/Kitt Peak
Stardust (Cometary/Interstellar Brownlee, Donald E/Univ. WA
Dust Return)
Venus Composition Probe (Atmospheric) Esposito, Larry/Univ. Colorado
Venus Environmental Satellite Baines, Kevin H./JPL
Venus Multi-Probe Mission (Atmospheric) Goody, Richard/Harvard
Last Updated: November 26, 2003