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The following is the list of STARDUST Educator Fellows selected by the STARDUST Advisory Board. Congratulations to the new Fellows!

Dr. Robert Brazzle
University City, MO
District Science Facilitator

Anne Ireland
Davison, MI
4th Grade/JASON

Linda McArthur
Oklahoma City, OK
Kirkpatrick Science and Air Space Museum at Omniplex

Linda Morris
Paramus, NJ
Buehler Challenger and Science Center

Byron Montross
Gallup, NM
Department Head Middle School/Bureau of Indian Affairs

Gay Negus
Chattanooga, TN
Challenger Center/Hamilton County Department of Education

Frederick Salazar
Flagstaff, Arizona
4th Grade

Adair Teller
Los Angeles, CA
Assistant Principal

Heather Toomey
Seattle, WA
Pacific Science Center - Science Celebration Supervisor

Cheryl Wood
Orlando, FL
Orlando Science Center Teacher-in-Residence

Ron Baalke, STARDUST Webmaster
Last Updated Wednesday, 26-Nov-2003 12:47:05 PST