Comet Hyakutake, Tim Puckett, February 26, 1996)
- Scientists Measure How Deep 'Deep Impact' Was, With X-Rays (Pennsylvania State University - July 8, 2005)
- UK Infrared Telescope First to Detect Flare from Deep Impact (United Kingdom Infrared Telescope in Hawaii - July 6, 2005)
- Deep Impact Kicks Off Fourth of July with Deep Space Fireworks (NASA - July 4, 2005)
- NASA's Deep Impact Generates Its Own Spectacular Photo Flash (NASA - July 4, 2005)
- Dust and Gas from Comet Tempel 1 Seen by Rosetta (ESA - July 4, 2005)
- Rosetta Camera View of Tempel 1 Brightness (ESA - July 4, 2005)
- Hubble Captures Deep Impact's Collision with Comet (Hubble Space Telescope - July 4, 2005)
- XMM-Newton Detects Water on Comet Tempel 1 (ESA - July 4, 2005)
- Subaru Telescope Observes Comet Impact (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan - July 4, 2005)
- NASA Swift Satellite Offers a Different View of the Great Comet Collision (Pennsylvania State University - July 4, 2005)
Deep Impact Observes Huge Comet Outburst (University of Maryland - June 28, 2005)
Deep Impact Detects Comet Nucleus (University of Maryland - June 21, 2005)
- Join in the Search for SOHO's 1,000th Comet (NASA - January 25, 2005
- Hale-Bopp Co-Discovers Plans Event to Mark 10-Year Anniversary of Comet Discovery
(Alan Hale - January 27, 2005)
- Deep Impact Launched and Flying Toward Date With a Comet (NASA -
January 12, 2005)
- ESO's Very Large Telescope Obtains Unique Spectrum of a Meteor
(European Southern Observatory - July 30, 2004)
- NASA Unveils Anatomy Of A Comet (NASA - June 15, 2004)
- Rosetta's Scientific 'First' - Observation of Comet C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) (European Space Agency - May 26, 2004)
- Close-up Image of Comet NEAT From Kitt Peak Observatory (National Optical Astronomy Observatory - May 25, 2004)
- The Double Comet Show of 2004 (Sky & Telescope - May 5, 2004)
- Scientist from University of Hawaii Helps NASA Get Photos of Comet Wild 2 (Honolulu Star Bulletin - April 6, 2004)
- Here Comes a 'NEAT' Comet - C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) (space.com - March 10, 2004)
- Stardust Surprise (NASA Science News - January 16, 2004)
- Stardust Makes Great Catch...Heads for Touchdown (NASA - January 2, 2004)
- Stardust Pinpoints Where the Wild Thing Is (JPL - December 1, 2003)
- The 2003 Leonid Meteor Shower (NASA Science News - October 10, 2003)
- Optical Detection of Anomalous Nitrogen in Comets (ESO - September 12, 2003)
- Hubble Finds Farthest, Faintest Solar System Objects Beyond Neptune (Space Telescope Science Institute - September 6, 2003)
- New Image of Comet Halley in the Cold (ESO - September 1, 2003)
- View of Comets As Pristine Relics Of Solar System Formation Evolves (Southwest Research Institute - August 6, 2003)
- Catching A Comet's Tail In The Earth's Upper Atmosphere (Johnson Space Center - July 10, 2003)
- 2003 Comet Awards Announced (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - July 7, 2003)
- Headless Comets Survive Plunge Through Sun's Atmosphere (Goddard Space Flight Center - June 10, 2003)
- Astrophysicists Simulate Comet X-Ray Emissions In Laboratory
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - June 5, 2003)
- A Rare Meteor Shower (NASA Science News - February 28, 2003)
- Amazing Live Images: Sungrazing Comet Possibly Hit
by Solar Eruption (space.com - February 18, 2003)
- Surf The Web To See The Sun-Dancing Comet (European Space Agency - February 12, 2003)
- Did a Comet Swarm Kill the Dinosaurs? (Sky & Telescope - September 13, 2002)
- Comets Break Up Far And Near (NASA - September 5, 2002)
- New Comet Hoenig (Sky & Telescope - August 2, 2002)
- Summer Meteor Shower (Perseids) (NASA Science News - July 19, 2002)
- SwRI Researchers Ask: Where Have All The Comets Gone? (Southwest Reseach Institute - June 20, 2002)
- Solving the Case of the Missing Comets (space.com - June 20, 2002)
- Europa Has Right Stuff (SETI Institute - May 21, 2002)
- The Truth about the 2002 Leonid Meteor Storm (NASA Science News - May 10, 2002)
- Discover A Comet While On The Internet With SOHO (NASA - April 18, 2002)
- In SOHO's Pictures, Watch A Comet Passing
Near The Sun (European Space Agency - April 17, 2002)
- Comet Hunter Carolyn Shoemaker To Speak At Cornell On April 21 (Cornell University - April 11, 2002)
- Comet Discoverer Hyakutake Dies At 51 (Kyodo
News - April 11, 2002)
- Deep Space 1 Finds Comet Borrelly Has Hot, Dry Surface (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - April 5, 2002)
- Second New Comet, Utsunomiya, May Be Visible in Late April (space.com - April 3, 2002)
- Last Chance To See Comet Ikeya-Zhang
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory - March 29, 2002)
- How To See Comet Ikeya-ZhangHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
(March 22, 2002)
- The Comet Hunter (Kaoru Ikeya)
(The Associated Press - March 21, 2002)
- Getting to Know Comet Borrelly
(astronomy.com - March 16, 2002)
Amateur Astronomer Discovers New Comet (C/2002 E2 Snyder-Murakami) (Sierra Vista Herald - March 14, 2002)
- Viewer's Guide to New Comet Ikeya-Zhang
(space.com - March 8, 2002)
- ESO's Comet Wirtanen Images Help ESA's Rosetta Spacecraft Prepare to Ride on a Cosmic Bullet
(ESA/ESO - February 26, 2002)
- Critical Thermal Tests Begin For Rosetta Comet Chaser (European Space Agency - February 21, 2002)
Newly Spotted Comet Will Soon Grace Night Skies (Comet C/2002 C1 - Ikeya-Zhang) (space.com - February 19, 2002)
- CONTOUR Spacecraft Shipped to Goddard for Prelaunch Testing
(Applied Physics Laboratory - January 29, 2002)
- UA Scientists
Begin Field Work on Chicxulub Drilling Project
(University of Arizona - January 14, 2002)
- SOHO's Private View Of A Sunbathing Comet (ESA - January 8, 2002)
- Leonids Cause Visible Lunar Explosions (Popular Mechanics - January 5, 2002)
- CONTOUR Spacecraft Nears Completion At Applied Physics Lab
(Johns Hopkins University - January 4, 2002)
- Spacecraft Swansong: DS1's Surprising, Puzzling Final Comet Encounter (space.com - January 2, 2002)
- Kevlar vs. Comets: Bullet-
Proof Craft to Get Closest Comet Views Ever (CONTOUR)
(space.com - December 26, 2001)
- NASA Bids Farewell To The Successfull Deep Space 1
Mission (NASA - December 17, 2001)
- Deep Space 1 Shows Comet Sense
(Nature Science Update - December 14, 2001)
- Meteor High-Speed Imaging
(Ames Research Center - December 11, 2001)
- Carolyn Shoemaker: Comet Hunter
(Universe Today - December 11, 2001)
- Deep Space 1 Says Farewell
(JPL Universe - December 7, 2001)
- Comet Borrelly Rocks and Rolls
In Simple Movie
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory - November 29, 2001)
- Tool For First Comet Orbiter Will Examine Escaping Gases
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory - November 19, 2001)
- Across The Globe And Around The Clock, NASA Engineers To Track And Share Leonids Data
(Marshall Space Flight Center - November 13, 2001)
- Leonid Meteor Storm! When, Where and How to Watch (space.com - November 6, 2001)
First Estimate of the Formation Temperature of Ammonia Ice in a Comet
(National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan - November 1, 2001)
- Deep Space 1 Captures Best-Ever View Of Comet's Core (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - September 25, 2001)
- Comet Results Briefing Set For September 25 (NASA - September 24, 2001)
- Deep Space 1 Successfully Flies By Comet Borrelly (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - September 22, 2001)
- Deep Space 1 Attempts To Earn Extra Credit At Comet (JPL - September 18, 2001)
- The Continuing Adventures of Deep Space 1
(NASA Science News - September 18, 2001)
- Deep Space 1 Probe Plans Daring Comet Flyby (space.com - September 16, 2001)
- FUSE Sees Solar System Under Construction (Goddard Space Flight Center - August 15, 2001)
- Signs of Comets Spotted Around
Another Star (space.com - August 15, 2001)
- Anticipating the Perseids
(NASA Science News - July 31, 2001)
- IAU Colloquium 186: Cometary Science After Hale-Bopp
- Rosetta's CONSERT Heads For A Real Cool Venue (ESA - July 5, 2001)
- Near-Earth Asteroid Is Two Chunks In One
(JPL - May 30, 2001)
- Comet LINEAR (C/2001 A2) Splits Further
(ESO - May 18, 2001)
- In Coming Apart, Comet LINEAR Exposes Its Deepest
(NASA - May 17, 2001)
- Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Even For A Comet (JPL - May 17, 2001)
- Comet Cracks Under Pressure After Rapid Brightening
(space.com - May 3, 2001)
- Comet McNaught-Hartley Provides A Wealth Of New X-Ray Data
(ESA - March 21, 2001)
- Deep Space 1 Loads Up For Trek To Comet
(JPL - March 20, 2001)
- A Night To Remember: The Giotto Flyby Of Halley's Comet (ESA - March 14, 2001)
- La Silla Telescope Views Comet Hale-Bopp at 2 Billion Kilometers
(ESO - March 6, 2001)
- New Analysis Of Meteorite Shows Key Ingredients For Life On Earth May Have Been Delivered By Comets
(Scripps Institution of Oceanography - February 27, 2001)
- Naked-Eye Comet Possible for Christmas 2001 (space.com - February 26, 2001)
- SOHO Analyses A Kamikaze Comet (ESA - February 23, 2001)
- Asteroid Or Comet Triggered Largest Mass Extinction 250 Million Years Ago
(NASA/University Of Washington - February 22, 2001)
- Comet Collisions: Only The Strong Survived? (JPL - January 31, 2001)
- Look To Leonids For Stunning Sky (JPL - November 16, 2000)
- North America's East Coast May Offer Best View Of Leonids Meteor Shower (Marshall Space Flight Center - November 8, 2000)
- Lunar Leonids 2000 (NASA Science News - October
26, 2000)
- Rash of Red Asteroids Puzzles Researchers (space.com - October 25, 2000)
- Astronomers Discover Minor Planet Between Neptune and Pluto (2000 EB173) (USA Today - October 24, 2000)
- Tagish Lake Meteorite May Be Most Primitive Solar System Material Ever Studied (University Of Calgary - October 12, 2000)
- Cosmic Time Capsule: Frozen Yukon Meteorite Found (space.com - October 12, 2000)
- The Moonlit Leonids 2000 (NASA - October 10, 2000)
- Tree
Rings Challenge History (BBC News - September 8, 2000)
- Comet Champion of the Solar System
(NASA Science News - August 28, 2000)
- Hot X-Rays From A Cold Comet (NASA Science Ne
ws - August 23, 2000)
- Comet Linear Breakup Is Boon to Scientists (space.com - August 11, 2000)
- Ice Worlds Beyond Neptune Yield Clues To History Of The Solar System (Southwest Research Institute - August 11, 2000)
- European Southern Observatory Observes Comet LINEAR's 'Shower' (ESO - August 8, 2000)
- Hubble Discovers Missing Pieces Of Comet LINEAR
(Space Telescope Science Institute - August 7, 2000)
- Of Comets and Meteors
(Fred Whipple - August 4, 2000)
- Comet LINEAR: Going, Going.... But Not Quite Gone
(The Isaac Newston Group Of Telescopes - August 4, 2000)
- Comet LINEAR Continues To Disintegrate (NASA Science News - July 31, 2000)
- The Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope Observes The Death Of Comet LINEAR
(Isacc Newton Group Of Telescopes - July 28, 2000)
- NASA's Two Great Observatories Keep Their 'Eyes' On Comet LINEAR (NASA - July 27, 2000)
- Space Rescue Makes Close Comet Encounter Possible (JPL - July 27, 2000)
- Dust, Rocks, Meteorites And Other Debris
(SpaceDaily - July 25, 2000)
- Time Travel Through A Trail Of Comet Dust
(Goddard Space Flight Center - July 19, 2000)
- Comet Borrelly or Bust
(NASA Science News - July 11, 2000)
- Some Comets Like it Hot
(NASA Science News - July 7, 2000)
- Deep Space 1 Restarts Ion Engine (SpaceViews - July 5, 2000)
- Rosetta And Giotto Bridget The Generation Gap (ESA - July 3, 2000)
- Call for CCD Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1
(Stephanie McLaughlin - June 30, 2000)
- Comet 1999 S4 LINEAR Bright Enough For Binoculars (space.com - June 23, 2000)
- Argon Find Bodes Well For Rosetta's Noble
(ESA - June 14, 2000)
- Water-Bearing Salt Crystals Come From Dawn Of Solar System
(American Association for the Advancement of Science - June 8, 2000)
- Astronomers Report The First Detection Of A Noble Gas In A Comet
(Southwest Research Institute - June 5, 2000)
- Comet Hale-Bopp May Have Formed Near Nept
une (space.com - June 5, 2000)
- Tagish Lake Meteorite: Largest Meteorite Find
In Canadian History (University Of Calgary - May 31, 2000)
- We Are Stardust (New Scientist - May 13, 2000)
- Ulysses Spacecraft Meets A Comet (JPL - April 5, 2000)
- Researchers Discover Extraterrestrial Gases In Buckyballs
(Ames Research Center/University Of Hawaii - March 20, 2000)
- Yukon Meteorite May Provide 'New Window Into The Universe'
(NASA - March 16, 2000)
- NASA Renames NEAR Spacecraft For Planetary Science Pioneer Gene Shoemaker
(NASA - March 14, 2000)
- Sunlight Keeps Star Dust at Bay
(ESA - December 17, 1999)
- Comet Hale-Bopp May Have A Satellite
(explorezone.com - November 23, 1999)
- Fiery End For Dinosaurs?
(BBC News - November 18, 1999)
- Most Distant Solar System Object Detected
(BBC News - November 9, 1999)
- A Surprise November Meteor Shower?
(Marshall Space Flight Center - November 5, 1999)
- Near-Live Leonid Watching System (NASA - November 1999)
- Leonids On The Moon
(Marshall Space Flight Center - November 3, 1999)
- Creating the Model Comet
(space.com - November 1, 1999)
- NASA Meteor Balloon Rises Again
(Marshall Space Flight Center - November 1, 1999)
- Air Force Fears Satellite Damage During Upcoming Meteor Showers
(Reuters - November 1, 1999)
- Leonids In The Crystal Ball
(Marshall Space Flight Center - October 27, 1999)
- 'Glowworms In Sky' Studied At Starfire Optical Range (Air Force News Service - October 26, 1999)
- A Dusty Ring May Be the Tell-Tale Mark of an Emerging Planetary System
(Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - October 20, 1999)
- Chemistry Of Comet Hale-Bopp May Offer Clues About Early Solar System
(University of Massachusetts-Amherst - October 13, 1999)
- New Comet May Put on a Show Next Year (SpaceViews - October 13, 1999)
- No Water Ice Detected From Lunar Prospector Impact (NASA - October 13, 1999)
- Puzzle Of Cometary Orbits Hints At Large Undiscovered Object
(Royal Astronomical Society - October 7, 1999)
- Comet And Asteroid Hunters' Discovery Streak Continues
(Albuquerque Journal - October 6, 1999)
- Possible Pluto Debris Spotted (SpaceDaily - October 6, 1999)
- World's Largest Impact Found In South Africa
(SpaceDaily - October 5, 1999)
- Companion To Comet Grigg-Skjellerup Discovered Using Giotto Data? (ESA - September 28, 1999)
- Harvest Of The Heavens Starts With A Sludgeball On Earth
(Sydney Morning Herald - September 24, 1999)
- Forecast Calls for Exciting Leonids Meteor Shower
(space.com - September 17, 1999)
- A Violent Blast Of Radiation Spawned The Planets (New Scientist - September 8, 1999)
- The House Of Comets (explorezone.com - September, 1999)
- Water Found In Second Meteorite (CNN - September 7, 1999)
- Fine Leonid Meteor Displays Predicted Through To 2002 (Royal Astronomical Society - August 30, 1999)
- Water Of The Stars (space.com - August 26, 1999)
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey Discovers its First Comet (Sloan Digital Sky Survey - August 13, 1999)
- Earth Battered Through History By Comets
(San Jose Mercury News - August 17, 1999)
- Here Come The Perseids!
(Marshall Space Flight Center - August 9, 1999)
- Perseids Live! Balloon Flight Planned
(Marshall Space Flight Center - August 6, 1999)
- At Age 92, Astronomer Fred Whipple Is Joining CONTOUR To Explore Three Comets In 2002 (Cornell University - July 26, 1999)
- The Leonid Meteor Outburst of 1997 (Marshall Space Flight Center - July 16, 1999)
- Potential Hazard Of Earth-Asteroid Collisions To Be Discussed At Cornell Space Conference
(Cornell University - July 14, 1999)
- 'Deep Impact' To Excavate And Study A Comet's Nucleus Wins NASA Approval (University Of Maryland - July 7, 1999)
- JPL's New Deep Impact Comet Mission OK'd By NASA (JPL - July 7, 1999)
- 'Deep Impact' In Chesapeake Bay (USGS - July 6, 1999)
- NASA Selects Missions To Mercury And A Comet's Interior As Next Discovery Flights (NASA - July 7, 1999)
- Return To Tunguska
(BBC News - June 28, 1999)
- Leonids On The Horizon
(Marshall Space Flight Center - June 22, 1999)
- SOHO Glimpses Far Side Of The Sun, Looks At Comet Hale-Bopp's Shadow
(European Space Agency - June 22, 1999)
- Comet Hale-Bopp Fails Emission Tests But Reveals Comet Origin
(Goddard Space Flight Center - June 16, 1999)
- Astronomer Helps Pinpoint Birth/History of Hale-Bopp
(University Of North Dakota - June 16, 1999)
- Jupiter's Moon Ganymede Surrounded By An Impact-Generated Dust Cloud (Max Planck Institute of Nuclear Physics - June 2, 1999)
- Lunar Sodium Tail Discovered (Boston University - June 2, 1999)
- Leonid Conference Participants Ask: "Were We Lucky Last Year?"
(Aerospace Corporation - May 16, 1999)
- Earth's Water Probably Didn't Come From Comets (Caltech - March 18, 1999)
- Comets, Like Cars, Leave Carbon Monoxide In Their Wake (Arizona State University -
February 18, 1999)
- Leonid Sample Return Payload Recovered
(Marshall Space Flight Center - November 23, 1998)
- High School Students Discover New Kuiper Belt Object (National Science Foundation - November 20, 1998)
- First Rotation Period Of A Kuiper Belt Object Measured
(ESO - November 5, 1998)
- New Observations Of Comet Hale-Bopp From La Silla
(ESO - October 22, 1998)
- ESO Image Of Newly Discovered Comet C/1998 P1 Available (European Southern Observatory (August 12, 1998)
- Cometary Impact With Earth Unlikely In The Next 500,000 Years (Ohio State University - July 31, 1998)
- A new image of Comet Wild-2 taken by the European Southern Observatory is now available.
- New Galileo Images Of Ganymede Available (JPL - July 15, 1998)
- NASA Establishes Near-Earth Object Program Office At JPL (NASA - July 14, 1998)
- Astronomers Discover A Nearby Star System Just Like Our Own Solar System (Joint Astronomy Center - July 8, 1998)
- Astronomers Find Comets Around Two Nearby Stars (UC Berkeley - June 11, 1998)
- Astronomers Look At Whether Comet Chemistry Can Reveal Clues About The Early Solar System
(University of Massachusetts-Amherst - June 10, 1998)
- New Deep Space 1 Trajectory Includes Asteroid Flyby (JPL - June 5, 1998)
- SOHO Spacecraft Sees Two Comets Plunge Into Sun (NASA - June 3, 1998)
- Ancient Myths And Tree Rings Point To Giant Comet's Visit To Earth (Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council - May 20, 1998)
- Interplanetary Dust May Cause Climate Change, Gradual Extinction (University of Florida - May 7, 1998)
- Why Study Comets? (Don Yeomans - April 1998)
- UA Catalina Sky Survey To Make Speedy Searches For Faint Near-Earth Asteroid And Comets
(University Of Arizona - May 4, 1998)
- UK Astronomers Find Two New Kuiper Belt Objects (Royal Astronomy Society - March 27, 1998)
- Hubble Pictures From Study of Comet Hyakutake Released University of Michigan - March 27, 1998)
- Tiny Teeth Shed Light on Ancient Comets (US Department Of The Interior - March 20, 1998)
- Crater Chain On Two Continents Points To Impact From Fragmented Comet (University of Chicago - March 13, 1998)
- Comet Hale-Bopp Holds Clues to Creation of Comet Ices (University of Massachusetts-Amherst - March 12, 1998)
- More Evidence Points To Impact As Dinosaur Killer (JPL - March 12, 1998)
- Los Alamos to ride on NASA Genesis Mission
- Genesis, CONTOUR Selected As Next Discovery Program Flights (NASA - October 20, 1997)
- Detection of Acetylene in Comet Hyakutake
- Comets May Have Introduced Interstellar Chemicals to Earth
- Chemical Measurements of Comet Hyakutake Suggest a New Class of Comets
- First Image of Extreme-Ultraviolet Emission from a Comet: Another 'First' for Comet Hyakutake
- SOHO Images Comet Hyakutake's Close Encounter with the Sun
- Radio Telescope Detects Molecular Emission from Comet Hyakutake
- Latest Sensors Bring New Asteroids
and a Comet into Focus
- Sudbury Buckyballs Born in Space,
Survive Comet Impact
- Radar Telescope Observes Nucleus of
Comet Hyakutake
Hyakutake, The Great Comet of 96
Last Updated: July 8, 2005