Dr. Peter Tsou is a principal science staff at
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California
Institute of Technology, where he has worked for
the past 27 years. He received his B.S. and M.S.
degrees in 1966 from the University of California
(Berkeley), and his Ph.D. from University of California
(Los Angeles). His research interests for the
past two decades have concentrated on achieving
a sample return of cometary coma material. He
invented the technique of intact capture of hypervelocity
particles for just such a mission as STARDUST,
the 13th proposal for a comet flyby sample return
mission. He also introduced the use of aerogel
as one of the capture media and flight qualified
variable density aerogel for space flight. He
is the PI for a series of Shuttle Sample Return
Experiments and Mir Sample Return Experiment with
silica aerogel he made at JPL. He continues to
develop improved techniques to identify, remove
and study particles captured in aerogel.
Stardust Interview: January 18, 2006
Stardust Interview: Earth Return - Ensuring Success
Last updated
October 24, 2005 |