Kyle Martin works in mission operations at Lockheed-Martin.
He is currently the Systems/RTO Team Chief for
Mars Global Surveyor, Stardust, Mars Odyssey and
Genesis. Past experience includes Magellan, Mars
Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander. As the
Systems Team Chief, his primary responsibility
is to assure the stringent processes an d procedures
are following for commanding a spacecraft. Discipline
and consistency help in minimizing command errors
to any spacecraft. Kyle coordinates with all the
Systems Engineers working on various spacecraft,
maintain the uplink procedures and teach operation
processes flight schools.
As the RTO Team Chief, his job is to ensure the
ACEs adequately staff and support the various
spacecraft on-console. Processes and procedures
are also defined and maintained for the ACEs with
the goal of zero command errors. It is also important
to ensure coordination is maintain ed between
the Deep Space Network, JPL and the operators
here at Lockheed-Martin.
Kyle received a B.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering
from Texas A&M in the fall of 1982. From 1982
to 1989, he worked at Rockwell International in
El Sequendo, CA in flight control analysis on
B-1B bomber, X-31 & classified projects. In
July of 1989, Kyle took a job with the then Martin
Marietta company in Denver, Colorado.
Last updated
November 26, 2003 |