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Dr. Simon Green

Photo of Dr. Simon Green Dr. Simon Green is a Senior Lecturer in the Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute of the Open University, UK. He graduated from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland with a B.Sc. in Astronomy in 1981 and completed his Ph.D. at the University of Leicester, England, in 1985. His research focuses on physical studies of planetary surfaces and small solar system bodies through analysis of spacecraft data, ground and space-based observations and modelling. He ran the IRAS fast-moving object survey resulting in the discovery of Phaethon the parent body of the Geminids, several comets and the first cometary dust trail. He has conducted ground-based observations of scattering and thermal emission from dust grains in comets, as well as near-Earth asteroids and outer solar system bodies. He was a Co-I on the Giotto Dust Impact Detection System which led to his involvement with the Stardust Dust Flux Monitor and coma modelling team. His space mission experience also includes analysis of dust impact data from LDEF, Eureca, Proba and Express-2; the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser; Rosetta Giada; and Co-I on the Huygens Surface Science Package. Minor planet 9831 is named Simongreen. in recognition of his work in the observation of asteroids and transneptunian objects.


Last updated December 21, 2005
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