Ram Bhat has a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engg.
And a M.S. in Aero-Space Engg. He has 31 years
of experience in the filed of Navigation and Flight
Mechanics. Mission Design studies and Navigation
were done for several earth orbiters including
TOPEX/Poseidon. Assisted to maintain Canadian
Space agencies RADARSAT ground track within +/-
1 km during JPL imaging of ATLANTIC Continent
(2001). Conducted OD analyses with one-way data
(VLBI and Doppler) of Soviet Vega spacecraft.
Maneuver analyses were carried out for MSR, MER,
EUROPA Orbiter, and Inside-Jupiter Missions. Currently
working as a maneuver analyst for STARDUST, MGS,
and Odyssey missions.
He is married and has a daughter and a son. Daughter
is married and currently doing graduate studies
in Public Health and son-in-law is a research
scientist at a Biotech company. The son is doing
under-graduate studies in business economics.
Last updated
November 26, 2003 |