Dr. Shyam Bhaskaran has been with the Navigation
and Mission Design Section at JPL for 11 years.
He started his career as an orbit determination
specialist on the Galileo mission. Since then,
he has served as a member of the navigation team
for several missions, including Deep Space 1,
and Mars Odyssey, and as the navigation lead for
the European Mars Express and JPL's MRO missions.
He is the one of the principal architects of the
autonomous navigation system used on Deep Space
1, and is currently a navigator and member of
the imaging science team for the STARDUST mission.
He is presently also the Mission Management Office
Team Chief for Guidance, Navigation and Control.
Dr. Bhaskaran received a B.S. and M.S. from the
University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D from
the University of Colorado in 1991.
Last updated
November 26, 2003 |