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A Detailed 1/26 Scale Model of the

Stardust Spacecraft

That You Can Download and Build

You've read all about Stardust on these web pages.

    Now, here's a really good way to learn all about the spacecraft... Build one!

This free model is designed for anyone who wishes to learn more about the Stardust Spacecraft, although it is probably not appropriate for children less than about ten years of age to build unassisted. It has all of Stardust's major components, and shows both its scientific instruments. You'll see first hand how the spacecraft shields itself from fast-flying comet debris. That's an assembled one in the photograph on the right.

Photo of completed Stardust Spacecraft 1/26 scale paper model Stardust, like all interplanetary spacecraft, was designed for high structural strength, minimizing mass. That makes it possible to reproduce its mechanical design with remarkably good fidelity, using only paper! The image at right shows the paper model assembled from pages which you can download. Its scale is about 1/26.

You can go ahead and download the Stardust Scale Model right now. The parts are contained in a "Portable Document Format" (pdf) file, which you can read using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you don't have it, you can download the Acrobat Reader software now from Adobe, free of charge.

Here's how it works:

First browse the illustrated Assembly Instructions. Read through them to see if this project is going to be right for you. If you decide to continue, then...

Next, print the Parts file using your black & white printer, onto card stock. Cut out the parts, fold and glue according to the instructions, and you'll have an accurate scale model of the Stardust Spacecraft. Most of the parts can be cut out using scissors, but in some places for best results, a sharp art knife should be used. This, of course, requires close adult supervision if a child is working on it. Regular white glue is recommended.

The pages are designed to be printed on 8.5x11-inch sheets, or A4 size sheets.

This model not by any means a quick and easy assembly job; it's serious model building. It offers an opportunity to spend a good amount of quiet time learning all about Stardust. Probably four hours would be a minimum assembly time.

We invite you to build and enjoy your own educational Stardust model!

Here's everything you need...

  • Assembly Instructions
  • Parts.pdf - All the parts are contained in this 3-page file.
  • Acrobat Reader - The software for reading all ".pdf" files (in case you don't have it already)

  • Model design by Dave Doody
    An afterhours project. No tax dollars were harmed in the making of this model :-)
    8 August, 1999

    Copyright (C) 1999 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Permission for commercial reproduction other than for single-school in-classroom use must be obtained from JPL Commercial Programs Office.

    Ron Baalke, STARDUST Webmaster,
    Last Updated Wednesday, 07-Jun-2000 13:51:07 PDT