Launch timing. The timing of Stardust's launch is based upon the trajectory the space- craft must fly to rendezvous with Comet Wild-2 in 2004.
The launch period opens February 6 and continues through February 25, 1999. One near-instantaneous launch opportunity exists each day during the period. On February 6, the launch opportunity is at 4:07 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The time of each daily opportunity varies (sometimes later or earlier) on later days of the launch period.
Launch Date UTC EST MST PST Feb 6, 1999 21:06:42 16:06:42 14:06:42 13:06:42 Feb 7, 1999 21:04:15 16:04:15 14:04:15 13:04:15 Feb 8, 1999 20:59:44 15:59:44 13:59:44 12:59:44 Feb 9, 1999 21:17:20 16:17:20 14:17:20 13:17:20 Feb 10, 1999 21:18:33 16:18:33 14:18:33 13:18:33 Feb 11, 1999 21:20:09 16:20:09 14:20:09 13:20:09 Feb 12, 1999 21:18:33 16:18:33 14:18:33 13:18:33 Feb 13, 1999 21:19:21 16:19:21 14:19:21 13:19:21 Feb 14, 1999 19:00:03 14:00:03 12:00:03 11:00:03 Feb 15, 1999 19:00:30 14:00:30 12:00:30 11:00:30 Feb 16, 1999 19:01:12 14:01:12 12:01:12 11:01:12 Feb 17, 1999 19:02:07 14:02:07 12:02:07 11:02:07 Feb 18, 1999 19:03:19 14:03:19 12:03:19 11:03:19 Feb 19, 1999 19:26:55 14:26:55 12:26:55 11:26:55 Feb 20, 1999 19:28:21 14:28:21 12:28:21 11:28:21 Feb 21, 1999 19:29:58 14:29:58 12:29:58 11:29:58 Feb 22, 1999 19:31:45 14:31:45 12:31:45 11:31:45 Feb 23, 1999 19:33:38 14:33:38 12:33:38 11:33:38 Feb 24, 1999 19:42:00 14:42:00 12:42:00 11:42:00 Feb 25, 1999 19:44:04 14:44:04 12:44:04 11:44:04
Ron Baalke, STARDUST Webmaster,
Wednesday, 26-Nov-2003 12:46:43 PST