Comet Wild-2's Orbit, Looking Down on the Sun
In this view,
Comet Wild-2 moving in a counterclockwise direction towards the orbit of Jupiter.
The comet was discovered in 1978 by Paul Wild, and he STARDUST spacecraft will encounter Comet Wild-2 in
the year 2004.
Comet Wild-2's Orbit, Centered On The Comet
Passing through Comet Wild's coma, STARDUST will collect cometary material and
return them to Earth in the year 2006.
Comet Wild-2's View of Earth
In January 2001, the STARDUST spacecraft will make an Earth flyby for a gravity
assist to help it reach Comet Wild-2's orbit. The comet itself does not get
particulary close to Earth. The comet's perihelion point (the closest distance to the
Sun) is just inside of the orbit of Mars.
Comet Wild-2's View of Jupiter
Prior to 1974, Comet Wild-2 was a distant comet whose orbit was between the orbits of
Jupiter and Uranus.
In 1974, Comet Wild-2 made a very close flyby of Jupiter (only 0.006 AU), which significently altered
the comet's orbit into its present day orbit. Comet Wild-2 currently crosses the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Jupiter will no doubt continue to have a major influence on Comet Wild-2 in the future.