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Hey Starduster,

Your mission is to color the Stardust spacecraft, as you imagine it traveling to the comet Wild 2. To download the "Color Me Stardust" image, click on the spacecraft below:


we are no longer accepting drawings to be included into our home page.

Thank you to the people who have submitted drawings. We have been receiving lots and lots of beautiful drawings from all over the world.

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Ashley, age 13 from Hemet, California writes: " I love NASA and JPL and when I grow up, I want to be an astronomer for NASA or JPL. I am very interested in space. Thank you for everything ! Cyndi, age 10 from Apple Valley, California writes: " I think JPL is cool ! So is space.
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Ken, age 5 from Fountain Valley, California writes: " I really enjoyed JPL Open House! John, age 7 (almost 8) from Mission Hills, California writes: " NASA, why didn't you guys bring back the mars lander, rover and rocky 7 rover?



Last updated January 12, 2001
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