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Mt. Wilson Observing Plans for Comet Shoemaker-Levy


A Jupiter Encounter at the Mt. Wilson Observatory

The Mount Wilson Observatory is preparing a Jupiter Encounter on Saturday, July 16, 1994, to observe the Fragment B event. The 100 inch telescope, a 24 inch Schmitt-Cassegrain and a refractor will be used with various CCD cameras and other detectors to observe the event. A large Mitsubishi monitor was brought in to support this event and will be showing CCD images of Jupiter from the telescopes. Visitors are allowed to bring their own telescopes if they so desire. Admission to this event is free, however AN OBSERVATORY VEHICLE PASS IS REQUIRED TO BE ALLOWED ON THE MOUNT WILSON GROUNDS. To order a vehicle pass, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
     Mount Wilson Jupiter Watch
     The Planetary Society
     65 N. Catalina Avenue
     Pasadena, CA 91106

Supply is limited and requests will be processed in the order received.

This Jupiter Encounter is being sponsored by the Planetary Society, the Mount Wilson Institute, and the Mount Wilson Observatory Association. For more information on the event, you can call (818) 395-7579.

There will also be a link to the Jet Propulsion Lab during its Open House on July 16 and 17.

Schedule for July 16, 1994

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For suggestions or additions to the this page, please contact:

Ron Baalke

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