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Top 20 Comet Shoemaker-Levy Images


Here are the most popular images at the JPL Comet Shoemaker-Levy home page during the month of July 1994, when the comet was impacting Jupiter. The total access count for each image is listed.

Top 20 Images

  1. 19,822 - Calar Alto Infrared Image of Fragment A Impact (July 16, 1994).
  2. 15,957 - Hubble Color Image of Fragment A Impact (July 22, 1994).
  3. 15,284 - Hubble Color Image of Fragment G Impact (July 18, 1994).
  4. 14,838 - MSSSO Infrared Image of Fragment G Impact (July 18, 1994).
  5. 14,617 - JPL Images of Fragment Q Impact (Artist Rendition).
  6. 13,773 - Hubble Image of Fragmant A Impact (July 16, 1994).
  7. 12,581 - Calar Alto Infrared Image of Fragment Q Impacts (July 20, 1994).
  8. 10,963 - Hubble Images of Fragment G Impact (July 18, 1994).
  9. 10,200 - Hubble Color Image of Jupiter and Io (July 7, 1994).
  10. 9,473 - Hubble UV Image of Fragment BDGLNQ12R Impacts (July 21, 1994).
  11. 8,989 - Hubble Color Image of Comet Shoemaker-Levy (July 7, 1994).
  12. 8,776 - MSSSO Image of Fragment K Impact Plume (July 19, 1994).
  13. 8,675 - Hubble Composite of Comet and Jupiter (July 7, 1994).
  14. 7,891 - Keck Infrared Image of Fragment G Fireball (July 18, 1994).
  15. 7,848 - Hubble Image of Fragmant A Impact (July 16, 1994).
  16. 7,330 - Hubble Color Image of Fragment G Impact (July 18, 1994).
  17. 6,901 - Hubble Image of Fragment A Plume. (July 16, 1994).
  18. 6,030 - Hubble Image of Fragment G Impact (July 18, 1994).
  19. 5,793 - Calar Alto Images of the Impact Sites (July 25, 1994).
  20. 5,777 - SAAO Images of Fragment A Impact (July 16, 1994).

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For suggestions or additions to the this page, please contact:

Ron Baalke

