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Published Papers about Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9


Published Papers about Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
and its Impact into Jupiter

Papers in 1993

Hasegawa, H. and M. Takata 1993.  Predicted brightness variation of the 
   collision of periodic comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. Publ. Astron. 
   Soc. Japan 45, L73-L76.

Melosh, H. H. and P. Schenk 1993.  Split comets and the origin of crater
   chains on Ganymede and Callisto.  Nature 365, 731-733.

Scotti, J. V. and H. J. Melosh 1993.  Estimate of the size of comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9 from a tidal breakup model.  Nature 365, 733-735.

Sekanina, Z. 1993. Disintegration Phenomena Expected During Collision
   of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter.  Science 262, 382-387.

Waddington, G. 1993.  Simulation of the Nuclear-Train of Comet Shoemaker-
   Levy 9.  The Astronomer 30, 135-137.

Papers in 1994

Ahrens, T. J., T. Takata, J. D. O'Keefe, and G. S. Orton 1994.  Impact of
   comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1087-1090.

Ahrens, T. J., T. Takata, and J. D. O'Keefe 1994.  Radiative signatures from
   impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21,

Asphaug, E. and W. Benz 1994.  Density of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 deduced by
   modeling breakup of the parent 'rubble pile'.  Nature 370, 120-124.

Bolin, O. and N. Brenning 1994.  Electrodynamical interaction between comet
   Shoemaker-Levy and Jupiter.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1063-1066.

Boslough, M. B., D. A. Crawford, A. C. Robinson, and T. G. Trucano 1994.
   Mass and penetration depth of Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragments from time-resolved
   photometry.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1555-1558.

Boslough, M. B., D. A. Crawford, A. C. Robinson, and T. G. Trucano 1994.
   Watching for Fireballs on Jupiter. EOS 75. 

Boss, A. P. 1994.  Tidal Disruption of Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and
    a Constraint on Its Mean Density. Icarus 107, 422-426.

Carr, T. D., F. Reyes, L. Garcia, W. B. Greenman, J. Levy, C. A. Higgins,
   J. M. DeBuizer, J. May, J. Aparici, H. Alvarez, F. Olmos, J. A. Phillips,
   T. Clark, and S. Padin 1994.  Search for Effects of Comet S-L 9 Fragmant
   Impacts on Low Radio Frequency Emission from Jupiter.  Earth, Moon, and
   Planets 66, 31-48.

Carusi, A., B. G. Marsden, and G. B. Valsecchi 1994.  The probable collision
   of P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e) with Jupiter in 1994.  Planet. Space Sci.
   42, 663-667.

Chernetenko, Y. A. and Y. D. Medvedev 1994.  Estimate of the Shoemaker-Levy 9
   Nucleus Size from Position Observations.  Planet. Space Sci. 42, 95-96.

Chevalier, R. A. and C. L. Sarazin 1994.  Explosions of Infalling Comets in
   Jupiter's Atmosphere.  Astrophys. J. 429, 863-875.

Cochran, A. L., A. L. Whipple, P. J. MacQueen, P. J. Shelus, R. W. Whited,
   and C. F. Claver 1994.  Pre-impact characterization of Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Icarus 112, 528-532. 

Cravens, T. E. 1994.  Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact with Jupiter: Aeronomical
   predictions.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1075-1078.

de Pater, I. 1994.  The effect of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter
   synchrotron radiation.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1071-1074.

Deming, D. 1994.  Prospects for Jovian seismological observations following
   the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1095-1098.

Dessler, A. J. and T. W. Hill 1994.  Some interactions between dust from
   comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1043-1046.

Duffy, T. S., W. L. Vos, C. S. Zha, H. K. Mao, and R. J. Hemley 1994.  Sound 
   Velocities in Dense Hydrogen and the Interior of Jupiter.  Science 
   263, 1590-1593.

Farrell, W. M., M. L. Kaiser, M. D. Desch, and R. J. MacDowall 1994.
   Possible radio wave precursors associated with the comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9/Jupiter impacts.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1067-1070.

Foryta, D. W., J. L. Kohl-Moreira, and D. Lazzaro 1994.  Observations of
   Comet Impact by Reflections from the Galilean Satellites.  Earth, Moon,
   and Planets 66, 137-142.

Gosachinskij, I. V., A. S. Morozov, and A. P. Venger 1994.  Jovian Emission
   at 18cm during the Comet S-L 9 Impacts Observed with RATAN-600 Radio
   Telecope.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 71-74.

Grun, E., D. P. Hamilton, M. Baguhl, R. Riemann, M. Horanyi, and C. Polanskey
   1994.  Dust streams from comet Shoemaker-Levy 9?  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21,

Gryaznov, V. K., B. A. Ivanov, A. B. Ivlev, B. A. Klumov, S. V. Utyuzhnikov,
   and V. E. Fortov 1994.  Collision of the Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 with
   Jupiter: Interpretation of Observed Data.  Earth, Moon, and Planets
   66, 99-128.

Han, J.-L., X.-Z. Zhang, and H.-S. Chen 1994.  Jovian Decametric Events During
   the Period of the Impacts of SL-9.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 53-69.

Harrington, J., R. P. LeBeau, K. A. Backes, and T. E. Dowling 1994.  Dynamic
   response of Jupiter's atmosphere to the impact of comet P/Shoemaker-
   Levy 9.  Nature 368, 525-527.

Herbert, F. 1994.  The impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on the Jovian
   magnetosphere.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1047-1050.

Hockey, T.  1994.  The Shoemaker-Levy 9 Spots on Jupiter: Their Place in
   History.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 1-9.

Horanyi, M. 1994.  New Jovian ring?  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1039-1042.

Hunten, D. M., W. F. Hoffmann, and A. L. Sprague 1994.  Jovian seismic waves
   and their detection.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1091-1094.

Ingersoll, A. P., H. Kanamori, and T. E. Dowling 1994.  Atmospheric gravity
   waves from the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter.
   Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1083-1086.

Ip, W.-H. 1994.  Time Variations of the Jovian Synchrotron Radiation
   Following the Collisional Impacts of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.
   Planet. Space Sci. 42, 527-530.

Ip, W.-H. and R. Prange 1994.  On possible magnetospheric dust interactions
   of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 at Jupiter.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1051-1054.

Kellogg, P. J. 1994.  Plasma effects on the interaction of a comet with
   Jupiter.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1055-1058.

Knacke, R. F. and M. F. A'Hearn 1994.  An Estimate of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy
   9 Fragment Sizes from the Debris Fields.  Earth, Moon, and Planets
   66, 11-12

Lee, U. and H. M. Van Horn 1994.  Global Oscillation Amplitudes Excited by
   the Jupiter-Comet Collision.  Astrophys. J. Lett. 428, L41-L44.

Lipatov, A. S. and A. S. Sharma 1994.  Hybrid simulation of comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9 interaction with Jovian bow shock.  Geophys. Res. Lett.
   21, 1059-1062.

Lognonne, P., B. Mosser, and F.A. Dahlen 1994. Excitation of Jovian Seismic
   Waves by the Shoemaker-Levy 9 COmetary Impact. Icarus 110, 180-195.

Mac Low, M.-M., K. Zahnle 1994.  Explosion of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on
   Entry into the Jovian Atmosphere.  Astrophys. J. Lett. 434, L33-L36.

Marley, M.S. 1994.  Seismological Consequences of the Collision of Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy/9 with Jupiter.  Ap. J. Lett. 427, L63-L66.

Ohshima, O., K. Ayani, T. Kogure, and M. Shimizu 1994.  Optical Imaging of
   Impact Sites of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 at Bisei Astronomical Observatory.
   Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 29-20.

Pryor, W. R., C. Y. Na, and G. R. Gladstone 1994.  How will dust from
   Shoemaker-Levy 9 alter Jupiter's stratospheric aerosol populations?
   Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1079-1082.

Ruiz, M., G. H. Rieke, M. J. Reike, D. Means, and P. Frawley 1994.  Near
   Infrared Spectroscopy of SL-9 Impacts.  Earth, Moon, and Planets
   66, 91-97.

Schleicher, H., H. Balthasar, M. Knolker, W. Schmidt, and J. Jockers 1994.
   The Impact of Fragment "L" of Comet SL-9 on Jupiter.  Earth, Moon, and
   Planets 66, 13-17.

Sekanina, Z., P. W. Chodas, and D. K. Yeomans 1994. Tidal disruption and the
   appearance of periodic comet Shoemaker-levy 9.  Astron. Astrophys.
   289, 607-636.

Solem, J. C. 1994.  Density and size of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 deduced from
   tidal breakup model.  Nature 370, 349-351.

Suzuki, B., H. Kurihara, T. Sasaki, and J. Watanabe 1994.  Spectral
   Observations of Impact Dark Spots.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 19-27.

Takata, T., J. D. O'Keefe, T. J. Ahrens, and G. S. Orton 1994.  Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9: Impact on Jupiter and Plume Evolution.  Icarus 109, 3-19.

Tancredi, G. and M. Lindgren 1994.  Searching for comets encountering Jupiter.
   Icarus 107, 311-321.

Terada, K., H. Negoro, K. Hayashida, S. Kitamoto, H. Tsunemi, H, Oya, T. Ono,
   A. Morioka, Y. Tawara, T. Mukai, M. Hoshino, and T. Terasawa 1994.
   X-Ray Observation of the Jovian Impacts of Comet Shoemaker-levy 9.
   Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 75-81.

Tozzi, G. P., R. M. Stanga, F. Mannucci, G. Field, C. Baffa, F. Lisi, G.
   Tofani, and L. Morbidelli 1994.  The Impact of comet SL9 with Jupiter:
   IR Observations at Tigro.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 83-89.

Vasundhara, R. 1994.  Appulses of faint stars by fragments of comet Shoemaker-
   Levy 9. Current Science 66, 355-361.

Watanabe, J., Y. Hirota, and M. Abe 1994.   CCD imaging observation of 
   periodic comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 1993e.  Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 
   46, L1-L4.

Weaver, H. A., P. D. Feldman, M. F. A'Hearn, C. Arpigny, R. A. Brown,
   E. F. Helin, D. H. Levy, B. G. Marsden, K. J. Meech, S. M. Larson,
   K. S. Noll, J. V. Scotti, Z. Sekanina, C. S. Shoemaker, E. M. Shoemaker,
   T. E. Smith, A. D. Storrs, D. K. Yeomans, and B. Zellner 1994.
   Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e).
   Science 263, 787-791.

Weidenschilling, S. J. 1994.  Origin of Cometary Nuclei as 'Rubble Piles'.
   Nature 368, 721-723.

Yanagisawa, M. 1994.  Upper Limits of Europa Brightening at K-Nucleus Impact.
   Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 129-136.

Zahnle, K. and M.-M. Mac Low 1994. The Collision of Jupiter and Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Icarus 108, 1-17.

Zhang, X.-Z. and H. Wang 1994.  Decametric Bursts Caused by the Fragment S
   of Comet SL-9.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 66, 49-52.

Papers in 1995

Clarke, J.T., R. Prange, G. E. Ballester, J. Trauger, R. Evans, D. Rego,
   K. Stapelfeldt, W. Ip, J.-C. Gerard, H. Hammel, M. Ballav, L. Ben Jaffel,
   J.-L. Bertaux, D. Crisp, C. Emerich, W. Harris, M. Horanyi, S. Miller,
   A. Storrs, H. Weaver 1995.  HST Far-Ultraviolet Imaging of Jupiter During
   the Impacts of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Science 267, 1302-1307.

Field, G. B. and A. Ferrara 1995.  The Behavior of Fragments of Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9 in the Atmosphere of Jupiter.  Astrophys. J. 438,

Graham, J. R., I. de Pater, J. G. Jernigan, M. C. Liu, M. E. Brown 1995.
   The Fragment R Collision: W. M. Keck Telescope Observations of SL9.
   Science 267, 1320-1323.

Hammel, H. B., R. F. Beebe, A. P. Ingersoll, G. S. Orton, J. R. Mills,
   A. A. Simon, P. Chodas, J. T. Clarke,  E. De Jong, T. E. Dowling,
   J. Harrington, L. F. Huber, E. Karkoschka, C. M. Santori, A. Toigo,
   D. Yeomans, R. A. West, 1995.  HST Imaging of Atmospheric Phenomena
   Created by the Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Science 267, 1288-1296.

Ingersoll, A.P. and H. Kanamori, 1995.  Waves from the Collisions of Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter.  Nautre 374, 706-708.

Lellouch, E., G. Paubert, R. Moreno, M. C. Festou, B. Bezard,
   D. Bockelle-Morvan, P. Colom, J. Crovisier, T. Encrenaz, D. Gautier,
   A. Marten, D. Despois, D. F. Strobel, and A. Sievers 1995.  Chemical
   and Thermal Response of Jupiter's Atmosphere Following the Impact of
   Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Nature 373, 592-595.

McGrath, M. A., D. T. Hall, P. L. Matheson, H. A. Weaver, J. T. Trauger,
   T. E. Smith, N. Thomas, R. Gladstone, N. M. Schneider, W. M. Harris,
   T. A. Livengood, R. Prange, M. C. Festou 1995.  Response of the Io
   Plasma Torus to Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Science 267, 1313-1317.

Noll, K. S., M. A. Mcgrath, L. M. Trafton, S. K. Atreya, J. J. Caldwell,
   H. A. Weaver, R. V. Yelle, C. Barnet, S. Edgington 1995.  HST
   Spectroscopic Observations of Jupiter After the Collision of Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Science 267, 1307-1313.

Orton, G., M. A'Hearn, K. Bains, D. Deming, T. Dowling, J. Goguen,
   C. Griffith, H. Hammel, W. Hoffmann, D. Hunten, D. Jewitt, T. Kostiuk,
   S. Miller, K. Noll, K. Zahnle, N. Achilleos, A. Dayal, L. Deutsch,
   F. Espenak, P. Esterle, J. Friedson, K. Fast, J. Harrington, J, Hora,
   R. Joseph, D. Kelly, R. Knacke, J. Lacy, C. Lisse, J. Rayner, A. Sprague,
   M. Shure, K. Wells, P. Yanamandra-Fisher, D. Zipoy, G. Bjoraker, D. Buhl,
   W. Golisch, D. Griep, C. Kaminski, C. Arden, A. Chaikin, J. Goldstein,
   D. Gilmore, G. Fozio, T. Kanamori, H. Lam, T. Livengood, M.-M. Mac Low,
   M. Marley, T. Momary, D. Robertson, P. Romani, J. Spitale, M. Sykes,
   J. Tennyson, D. Wellnitz, S.-W. Ying 1995.  Collision of Comet
   Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter Observed by the NASA Infrared Telescope
   Facility.  Science 267, 1277-1282.

Prange, R., I. M. Engle, J. T. Clarke, M. Dunlop, G. E. Ballester, W. H. Ip,
   S. Maurice, J. Trauger 1995.  Auroral Signature of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
   in the Jovian Magnetosphere.  Science 267, 1317-1320.

Weaver, H. A., M. F. A'Hearn, C. Arpigny, D. C. Boice, P. D. Feldman,
   S. M. Larson, P. Lamy, D. H. Levy, B. G. Marsden, K. J. Meech,
   K. S. Noll, J. V. Scotti, Z. Sekanina, C. S. Shoemaker, E. M. Shoemaker,
   T. E. Smith, S. A. Stern, A. D. Storrs, J. T. Trauger, D. K. Yeomans,
   B. Zellner 1995.  The HubbLe Space Telescope (HST) Observing Campaign on
   Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.  Science 267, 1282-1288.

West, R. A., E. Karkoschka, A. J. Friedson, M. Seymour, K. H. Baines, 
   H. B. Hammel 1995.  Impact Debris Particles in Jupiter's Stratosphere.
   Science 267, 1296-1301.

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