The Planetary Society Invites you to BY JOVE, IT'S GALILEO with Torrence Johnson - Carl Sagan & the Galileo Project Team Thursday, December 7, 1995 5:00 - 10:00 PM Beckman Auditorium California Institute of Technology Michigan Avenue (south of Del Mar) Pasadena, CA Admission: $9.00 Planetary Society Members/$11.00 Non-Members $7.00 Seniors 60 & Over and Students 18 & Under
The journery has been long, but the goal is clear. On December 7, 1995, after a six-year journey, Galileo will arrive at Jupiter, fly by Europa and Io, and begins its mission in the Jovian system. That same day Galileo's probe will enter the atmosphere of Jupiter and for the first time explore beneath the planet's cloud tops. Join us for an exciting evening that will include:
Our speakers include Torrence Johnson, Chief Scientist of the Galileo Project, and Carl Sagan, President of the Planetary Society. Members of the Galileo Project Team will also join us electronically from JPL's Blue Room and in Beckman Auditorium with mission updates. An audience question-and-answer session will conclude the evening.
Schedule 5:00 - 6:45 Direct Link with Blue Room 6:45 - 8:00 Dinner Break 8:00 - 10:00 Presentation
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