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International Conference on the SL9-Jupiter Collision



                            July 3-5, 1996
                  Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France


The collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter, in July 1994, provided an exceptional opportunity for studying the comet, the Jovian atmosphere and magnetosphere, and, more generally, the response of a planet to a large meteoritic impact. An unprecedented world-wide observational campaign, using all possible means from the ground and space, contributed to build a huge database, which is still far from being fully exploited.

The first results of this campaign have been presented at four highly successful meetings: the SL9 special session of the IAU General Assembly (The Hague, August 1994), the SL9 session of the 26th AAs-DPS meeting (Washington, October 1994), the European SL9 Workshop (Garching, February 1995) and the UAI Colloquium 156 (Baltimore, May 1995). In spite of a considerable progress in our understanding of the event, it is obvious that many fundamental questions remain unanswered. In addition, many data have not yet been fully analyzed. There is clearly a need to develop the exchange and confrontation of data and results.

In this context, the Space Research Department of Paris Observatory (DESPA) announces an international Conference, to be held in Meudon on July 3-5, 1996.The date has been chosen the week before the Asteroids Comets Meteors Conference(ACM96) (Versailles, July 8-12, 1996), in order to allow foreign participants to attend both conferences if they wish.

Following the spirit of the previous SL9 meetings, the aim of the present Conference will be to encourage intensive discussions, and to develop interactions and exchanges between participants. Plenary sessions will be devoted to invited reviews, with ample time for discussion. Contributions will be made in the form of posters. A large fraction of time will be devoted to poster sessions.

SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: M. A'Hearn, M. Coradini, C. de Bergh, P. Drossart, Th. Encrenaz, M. Fulchignoni, S. Miller, G. Orton, R. Prange, F. Rocard, R. West

LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: C. de Bergh, Th. Encrenaz, A. Fave

ABSTRACTS AND PROCEEDINGS: All speakers and all participants who wish to submit a poster will be asked to send an abstract two months before the Conference. A book of abstracts will be distributed at the time of the Conference. Proceedings will be published in a special issue of Planetaryand Space Science, following the usual refereeing procedure.

To receive subsequent mailings concerning this Conference, please return the enclosed form before SEPTEMBER 15, 1995. For a better organization of the sessions, it is important for the organizers to know as soon as possible about the expected number of participants. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

                        Meudon, France 
                        July 3-5, 1996

                    Indication of interest form :

   Name:      ..........................................

   Address:   ..........................................

   Telephone: ....................
   Fax:       ....................
   E_mail:    ....................

 - I plan to attend the conference: ......................
 - I am not sure I can attend, but I wish to 
   remain on your mailing list:...........................

 Please send this form before September 15, 1995, to :

     Agnes FAVE 
     Conference SL9-Jupiter
     Observatoire de Paris
     F-92195 Meudon Cedex (FRANCE)
     fax: (33)-1-45 07 28 06

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