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Comet SL9 Lecture at JPL


                     Organization for the Advancement of
                   Space Industrialization and Settlement
                   A Chapter of the National Space Society
                               Invites you to
                                 "IMPACT !
                   Results of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
                              Collisions with Jupiter"
                            Presented by Steven Edberg
                        NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                      Saturday, September 24, 1994
                                  7:00 to 8:30 pm
                           Von Karman Auditorium
                          Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                              Pasadena, California
                                  Admission Free
                             General Public Invited
                               (Children Welcome)

The eyes of the world were trained on the planet Jupiter as fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 tore into the Jovian atmosphere, leaving behind vast plumes of gas and impact sites larger than the Earth.

Now scientists are sifting through the data from what has been called "the greatest celestial event of the century" for clues to the origin of the Solar System, the nature of comets and asteroids, and the possible consequences of an impact on the Earth.

Comet expert Steven Edberg of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory presents the latest findings of scientists from around the globe on this event.

For more information, call the OASIS Hotline: (310)364-2290

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