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Comet Day


Announcing COMET DAY, Monday, October 17, 1994

HyperVelocity Impact Symposium (HVIS 1994)
Sweeney Convention Center, 201 West Marcy Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico


Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, keynote address
"The Crash of Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet with Jupiter"

Informal poster session. Presentations by modelers and observers "Impact on Jupiter: Models and Results"

Technical Sessions on Planetary Impact and Space Debris Shields

Buffet Reception at the Eldorado Hotel

----Special One-Day Registration Fee of $100.00----

For further information and early registration contact

Alita Roach, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
MS P915, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
Phone: (505) 665-6277, FAX: (505) 665-3407 Email:

Lalit Chhabildas, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123-0821
Phone: (505) 844-4147, FAX: (505) 844-0918 Email:

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