Date: Tue, 7 Feb 95 17:59:08 CST
From: Anita Cochran
Subject: New Observations of Jupiter from McDonald Observatory
CCD images were obtained of Jupiter on Jan 30-Feb 2, 1995 UT using the 0.9-m McDonald Observatory telescope. The plate scale was 0.14 arcsec/pixel. The first two days the seeing was not good but the last two mornings had seeing of 2 and 1 arcsec respectively. Images were obtained through filters at 604nm, 618nm, 727nm, 764nm, 829nm and 893nm. The 893nm filter images show a very low-contrast band of material at the impact latitude. The band appears more or less continuous but it is difficult to be specific until further image processing is performed. The feature is such low contrast that a cross cut at fixed longitude does not show much enhancement over the surrounding region. Inspection of the images obtained with the other filters does not show any obvious impact scars but further processing is needed. They show exquisite differences in features at different wavlenths in the brown barge region of the northern hemisphere.
Anita Cochran
McDonald Observatory Comet Impact Science Team.
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