Lick and Leuschner Observatories
Lick and Leuschner Observatories
University of California/Berkeley scientists will conduct comprehensive
observations of Jupiter and its surrounding environment at these two
observatories. They will observe the boundaries and flows in the outer Jovian
magnetosphere, detail potentially radical changes, and watch recovery of the Io
plasma torus. They also will observe spectra of large-impact fireballs, using
Jupiter's moons as "mirrors" to reflect the light of the fireballs.
Public Information contact: Robert Sanders, (510) 643-6998.
- Lick Images of Jupiter (May 1, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment A, C & E Impacts (July 17, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment A, C & E Impacts (July 17, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment A, C & E Impacts (July 17, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment ACEF Impacts (July 18, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment G Impact (July 19, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment G Impact (July 19, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment ACEH Impacts (July 20, 1994).
- Lick Images of Fragment AEGH Impacts (July 19-20, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment A & C Impact (July 17, 1994).
- Lick Images of Fragment GHL Impacts (July 20, 1994).
- Lick Images of Fragment AGHNRV Impacts (July 22, 1994).
- Lick Image of Fragment GHNQRS Impacts (July 27, 1994).
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