Kitt Peak National Proposals
The following proposals were granted time at Kitt Peak this summer.
The 'until midnight only' notes are due to limited summertime staffing.
"FTS Observations of the Alteration of Jupiter's Stratosphere
by the Collision with Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9"
4-meter w/ FTS, 5 micron detector
July 15-19, inclusive (Note: until midnight only)
PI: Dr. Edward A. Cohen (JPL)
CoI's: Hinkle, Bjoraker, Noll, Sada
"Size Distribution of P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 Fragments"
2.1-meter w/ Direct CCD (T1KA)
July 15-16, inclusive (Note: until midnight only)
July 28-30, inclusive (Note: until midnight only)
PI: Dr. Clark R. Chapman (PSI)
CoI's: Neese, Merline, Massey, Davis, Howell