The conditions on La Silla were very poor on the night of 19th July
1994 with very thick cloud. This prevented most of the observations
of the impact of the L fragment of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. However,
soon after the impact an image was obtained using the Bochum 60cm
telescope. It was taken through cloud and hence is not of the highest
quality. Despite this three impact zones in the southern hemisphere
of Jupiter are visible. These are, from left to right, G,L and K.
Two of Jupiter's satellites are also visible each side of the planet.
This picture was taken at 23:55 UT on July 19th 1994 through a methane
band filter and the observer was Uri Carsenty (DLR, Berlin, Germany).
This is ESO PR Photo SL9J/94-16. It may be reproduced, if credit
is given to the European Southern Observatory.