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United Kingdom Images of Jupiter (Amateur)

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Pictures of Jupiter with a 6 inch Newtonian reflector

These two images were taken on the 17/7/1994 between 22:00 and 23:00 B.S.T(21:00 and 22:00 U.T.) Using a 6 inch reflector f8 and 18mm eyepiece. A camcorder was then used to grab the images and transfered into gif format.

Images (below) after some processing. Are those white blobs real? Impact site C would be in top left hand corner of jupiter in these pictures.

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The 'seeing' was good (site was at top of mountain in Brecon Beacons South Wales) and bands are just visable but no sign of the impacts. Maybe with higher magnification some evidence of the later impacts may have been visable (e.g. G or H fragments).

The images show that even amateurs with small telescopes can get close to seeing the fireworks at Jupiter.

Gareth Jones
Stanley Jones
Shirley Anne Jones
(Abergavenny, Gwent, Wales, UK)

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