JBS = Jail Bar Search
7/29-7/30........JBS of D downlinked
7/31-8/2.........JBS of E downlinked
8/1-8/2..........MIPL processes D & E JBS's
8/2 EOD..........SSI delivers starting point of each 75-line swath of data return for D & first swath of E to sequence integrator
8/4-8/6..........JBS of K downlinked
8/7-8/12.........JBS of N downlinked
8/8..............RBS #2 uplinked (contains return slews for D & part of E)
ASAP after 8/13..SSI delivers starting point of remaining 75-line swaths for impact E, data return times for K & N, and JBS for V & W to sequence integrator
8/13-8/14........DATA RETURN FOR D ****** FIRST DATA ******* this is a weekend, data should be available Monday 8/15
9/7..............RBS #3 uplinked (contains JBS slews for V & W)
9/12-9/18........Data return for E
9/18-9/21........JBS of V downlinked
9/22-9/24........JBS of W downlinked-9/24
9/26.............SSI delivers starting point of each 75-line swath of data return for V & W to sequence integrator.
10/7-10/15.......Data return for K
10/17-?..........Data return for N