Mark Boslough and David Crawford (Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fragment Impact Time (a) Best Locations for Viewing Likelihood of (b) (UTC) +/- ~0:10 Jupiter at Impact Time Visible Fireball ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A July 16 19:54 Africa (except W. Africa), :-( Middle East, Eastern Europe B July 17 02:49 Eastern N. America, Mexico, :-( Western S. America C 06:56 New Zealand, Hawaii :-( D 11:42 Australia, New Zealand, :-( Japan E 15:04 India, Southern China, :-| S.E. Asia, Western Australia F July 18 00:28 S. America :-| G 07:28 New Zealand, Hawaii :-) H 19:26 Africa (except W. Africa), :-) Middle East, Eastern Europe K July 19 10:18 Australia, New Zealand :-) :-) L 22:07 Brazil, W. Africa, Spain :-) :-) N July 20 10:19 Australia, New Zealand :-| P2 15:05 India, Southern China, :-| S.E. Asia, Western Australia Q1 19:59 Africa (except W. Africa), :-) :-) :-) Q2 19:32 Middle East, Eastern Europe :-) R July 21 05:22 Hawaii, West coast N. America :-) :-) S 15:07 India, Southern China, :-) :-) :-) S.E. Asia, Western Australia T 18:04 Africa (except W. Africa), :-( Middle East, Eastern Europe U 21:47 Brazil, W. Africa, Spain :-| V July 22 03:57 Western U.S., Mexico :-| W 07:53 New Zealand, Hawaii, :-) :-) :-) Eastern Australia Key: :-) :-) :-) Best group (Most likely to be visible) :-) :-) Second best group :-) Third best group :-| Not very good :-( Worst (Least likely to be visible) (a) The impact time predictions are by P.W. Chodas, D.K. Yeomans and Z. Sekanina (JPL/Caltech) P.D. Nicholson (Cornell) Predictions as of 1994 July 5; average uncertainty is around 10 min. Date of last astrometric data in these solutions: 1994 July 4 (b) Based on the following sources: 1) Ballistic fireball trajectories of M.B. Boslough, D.A. Crawford, A.C. Robinson and T.G. Trucano (Sandia National Laboratories) "Watching for Fireballs on Jupiter", EOS, July 5, 1994. 2) Relative brightnesses of fragments from Karen Horrocks, May, 1994. 3) Predicted impact locations in distance beyond Jupiter's limb by Chodas et al. (above).