Venue: ESO Headquarters, Garching bei München, Germany
This ESO Workshop will serve to bring together European astronomers who have obtained observational data before, during and after the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. Only by combining these data will it be possible to arrive at a good understanding of the complex phenomena and the meeting will thus contribute to the ongoing interpretative efforts. It will further the preparation of joint papers to be delivered at the major IAU Colloquium 158 on the same subject three months later (May 9 - 12, 1995; Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.) and also provide a useful forum for those European observers who are unable to come to Baltimore. The participation of Central and East European astronomers in the ESO Workshop will be supported by the ESO C&EE Programme. Some key people from outside Europe will provide additional input from other side.
The meeting will be held in the ESO Auditorium and in view of its limited capacity (approx. 125), participation in this Workshop may have to be restricted. Application and accommodation forms may be obtained from the Workshop Secretariat (address below); the deadline for receipt of these at ESO is December 15, 1994.
The deadline for submission of abstracts to contributed talks and posters is January 15, 1995.
Please note that there will be a conference fee of 80 DEM; this includes a copy of the Proceedings, to be available on May 1, 1995.
I. The comet before impact - Observations - Theory II. The impacts - The "meteoric" phase - Fireball and initial plume phenomena - Composition of Plumes III. Long-term effects - Dynamical evolution of atmospheric features; zonal and meridional winds - Evolution of the stratospheric chemical composition and thermal structure, northern latitude effects - Evolution of the radio emission - Study of Jupiter's interior IV. Summary - Summaries of individual sessions - Round-table discussion - Coordination of further interactions during the interpretative phases before IAU Coll. 158
Preliminary List of Speakers
H. Barwig, D. Bockelee-Morvan, R.W. Carlson, J. Crovisier, G. Chernova, K. Churyumov, F. Colas, P. Drossart, C. Emerich, T. Encrenaz, A. Fitzsimmons, E. Gerard, O. Hainaut, D. Hamilton, T. Herbst, K. Horne, W.-H. Ip, D.C. Jewitt, K. Jockers, H. Kaeufl, P. Lagage, J. Lecacheux, E. Lellouch, T. Livengood, D. Lupishko, J.-P. Maillard, A. Marten, K.-H. Mantel, S. Miller, F. Moreno, B. Mosser, G. Neukum, J. Ortiz Moreno, G. Paubert, R. Prange, P. Schleicher, R. Schulz, Z. Sekanina, J.A. Stuewe, N. Thomas, N. Walton, J. Watanabe, R.M. West.
Organizing Committee
Heinz Barwig (University Observatory, Munich, Germany) Hermann Boehnhardt (University Observatory, Munich, Germany) Jacques Crovisier (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France) Therese Encrenaz (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France) Benoit Mosser (Institut d'Astrophysique, Paris, France) Rita Schulz (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Aeronomie, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany) Richard West (European Southern Observatory)
Oct. 24, 1994 : First Announcement and Call for Papers Dec. 15, 1994 : Deadline for receipt of application and accommodation forms at Conference Secretariat (address below) Dec. 31, 1994 : Deadline for receipt of applications for support from ESO C&EE Programme (C&EE astronomers only) Jan. 15, 1995 : Deadline for submission of abstracts of contributed talks and posters to Conference Secretariat Jan. 20, 1995 : ESO C&EE Committee allocates support for participation in Workshop; grantees are informed Jan. 20, 1995 : Final Programme available. Participants will be informed about their proposed presentations Feb. 13-15, 1995: European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop at ESO HQ Feb. 27, 1995 : Deadline for submission of manuscripts May 1, 1995 : Publication of Proceedings
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Conference Secretariat
European Southern Observatory Fax : (+49-89) 320-23-62 Elisabeth Völk (SL9-1995) Tel : (+49-89) 320-06-276 Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 Tlx : 52828222 eo d D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany Email: (Internet)