Dear Colleagues;
At the meeting of Editorial Board of EARTH MOON and PLANETS, International Journal of Comparative Planetology, Kluwer Academic Publishers) held at The Hague during the IAU GA, has been recommended to publish a special issue of this journal which should be devoted to results obtained from the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. Even if these results may be mostly only some kind of preliminary information, we believe that such a Special Issue of EMP will be useful for further studies of this phenomenon. The editors of the Special Issue are M.F A'Hearn and V. Vanysek.
Contributions to this Special Issue from you are expected. Since the SI should appear in November 94, manuscripts should be submitted before SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 in CAMERA-READY form to
Kluwer Academic Publishers Editorial Office Earth, Moon and Planets Spuiboulevard 50, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands and one copy to Dr Mike F. A'Hearn Dep.of Astronomy UMD College Park, MD 20742-2421 USA MA@ASTRO.UMD.EDU and one copy to Dr V. Vanysek Astronomical Institute Charles Uni. Svedska 8 150 00 Praha 5 VANYSEK@CSEARN.BITNET
The length of the manuscripts is in principle not limited. Preferably manuscripts should be prepared with the Kluwer LaTeX file. Camera-ready Ms should be submitted on white paper printed with a laser writer. The text area is 12.5 x 19.5 cm. The text should be typed about 24 mm from the top of the page.Information on the LaTeX style file can be obtained on EDITDEPT@WKAP.NL (please mention camera-ready submission to Moon). There are no page-charge. Kluwer would offer extra offprints and complimentary copies to the authors.
V. Vanysek
Editor-in-Chief of EMP