Comet Shoemaker-Levy Animations
- University of Rochester Animation (1.1MB).
This animation shows Jupiter starting at 3679nm
going down to 3571nm where it starts going into a methane absorbtion band.
- University of Rochester Animation (203K).
This animation shows Jupiter starting at 4.1 microns and runs down to 1.6 microns (there
is a large wavelength gap between 2.2 and 3.0 microns that was not imaged). These
images were taken on the night of July 21, 1995 (21/22 UT) and are centered near 00 hours
UT on the 22nd. The images start above and then go into a methane band in the 3
micron range, where most of the planet (other than the poles and the impact sites)
disappears. The movie then jumps to 2.2 microns where the planet is partially inanother methane band and continues to show the planet as it comes out of that
methane band and then enters another near 1.7 microns. The movie ends at ~1.65
- Fragment R Impact Animation (32K), using Keck images.
- Fragment C Impact Animation (79K), using IRTF images.
- IRTF Animation (72K).
- IRTF Animation (103K).
- IRTF Animation (161K).
- Fragment R Impact Animation (552K), courtesy
of McDonald Observatory.
- Fragment Q Impact Animation (7.2 MB), courtesy
of Calar Alto Observatory.
- This animation is a rendering sequence done by John Spencer from
Lowell Observratory. The image frames were rendered on an
Amiga and then assembled into an mpeg from 640 x 480 TIFF files.
The animation shows the view of the impacts from "behind" the
comet train. The animation covers 12 hours on July 20, 1994.
Some of the information may be dated as it was created a while
ago, but it is still an enjoyable show...
There are two versions available - a full resolution 640 x 480
version (1220K), and a half-size 320 x 240 version (394K)
for slower computers.
- Fragment A Impact Animation using the 16 SAAO images.
Courtesy of Charles Henrich.
- Animation of a Simulated
SL-9 Impact created at Caltech. Click
here for more information
on how the animation was created.
- A 55 frame Fragment A Impact Animation (552K), courtesy of the
Calar Alto Observatory in Spain.
- Fragment E Impact Animation (291K) using SPIREX images.
- Fragment A Impact Animation (153K) using SAAO images, couresty of John Gilbert, Jet Propulsion Lab.
- Fragment C Impact Animation (233K) using MSSSO
images, courtesy of John Gilbert, Jet Propulsion Lab.
- Fragment H Impact Animation (100K) using ESO images, courtesy of John Gilbert, Jet Propulsion Lab.
- Fragment R Impact Animation (32K), courtesy of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.
- Fragment R Impact Animation (1.2 MB) using Keck
images, courtesy of David Vezie, UC Berkeley.
- Fragment A Impact Animation (4.8 MB), 100 frames, courtesy of the
Calar Alto Observatory in Spain.
- A Visible and Methane Animation of Jupiter (254K) on July 18, courtesy of the National Solar
- A J-Band
Animation of Jupiter (26K) on July 19, courtesy of the National Solar
- Animation of Jupiter (175K), courtesy of
the National Solar Observatory.
- A Jupiter Animation on
July 19 (231K), courtesy of Kitt Peak National Observatory.
- Fragment L Impact
Animation (256K), courtesy of Whately Observatory.
- Jupiter animation (205K).
Comet Shoemaker-Levy Home Page
For suggestions or additions to the this page, please contact:
Ron Baalke