I am known thoughout the world as the Help-Bringer. -- Ovid
Many people within and outside the Magellan Project wrote, verified, and reviewed the text in this Guide. We thank them for the quality of their contributions and for incorporating our deadlines into their busy schedules.
There are several individuals, however, who deserve special recognition: Sandy Dueck, Bill Johnson, Mike Jones, John Slonski, Ellen Stofan, and Ann Tavormina.
Appreciation is also extended to Phil Allin, Ray Arvidson, Ray Batson, Jody Gunn, Joan Horvath, Deborah Kristof, Ken Ledbetter, Mike Leeds, Craig Leff, Dan Lyons, Michelle McCullar, Bill Rowe, Gordon Pettengill, Steve Saunders, Anita Sohus, Reid Thomas, Tommy Thompson, Steve Wall, and Susan Yewell.
The presentation of the material in this Guide results from the talents of Dave Fulton (editing), Robin Dumas (design, layout, and production), and Bob Chandler (printing coordination).
The Magellan's Venus Explorer Guide