Magellan Animations
Venus Globe Animation
This Venus Globe animation (303K) is in MPEG format and consists of 60 frames of
200x200 pixels every 6 degrees around the planet's equator. The
surface elevation is color coded so that the highest elevations
appear red, while the lowest appear blue.
The frames were created by re-projecting the sinusoidal
browse image of surface topography from the GxDR CD-ROM of
Magellan data from its first 243-day mapping cycle at the planet.
Some data from Magellan's second cycle are included in this
browse image to partly fill gap in cycle 1 coverage caused by
superior conjunction, or when Venus was behind the sun from
Earth's point of view. The dark areas represent regions not yet
mapped at the time the CD-ROM was made.
Magellan Home Page
For suggestions or additions to the this page, please contact:
Ron Baalke