Burnett on the Genesis Mission.
View Don Burnett's Resume
The following interview occurred between Don Burnett,
Principal Investigator and Lead Scientist, California Institute
of Technology, and Senior Associate Alice Krueger, Mid-continent
Regional Educational Laboratory:
A.K. How did you come up with the idea for this mission?
D.B. I have been interested in the chemical
composition of the solar system for years. It has always fascinated
me. I sort of grew up with the problem. I followed the literature
and watched the sources of information ebb and flow. I have
a strong desire to make an improvement in what is known.
A.K. What new science understanding will this mission
provide? Why is this important?
D.B. We all assume that the sun and the planets formed
from the same cloud of gas and dust. But the sun and planets
are very different, and all the planets are different from
one another. Why? Many things must have happened within this
cloud of gas and dust to create all this diversity. A major
clue is the differences in what the sun is made of, and the
similar differences among planetary materials (what technically
is referred to as "chemical and isotopic compositions").
A simple example: the sun is a ball of gas; the Earth is a
rock. This is a big compositional difference. If it had been
real cold when the Earth formed, many of volatile materials
in the sun would have been retained, so it was hot when the
Earth formed, and most materials less volatile than rock were
lost. So, comparing differences in what the sun and the Earth
are made of, yields interesting conclusions. What Genesis
does is measure what the sun is made of, one half of the many
important comparisons like this one.
A.K. What will be the greatest benefit from this
D.B. The direct benefit will be to scientists to help
understand the way our solar system formed: what the input
materials were, what events took place to form planetary materials,
and what processes took place during these events. This is
an example of fundamental research. We wont make any
direct changes in most peoples lives, but greater understanding
of our origins should make everyones life more satisfying.
This is one aspect of being part of an "advanced society."
A.K. What is the most fascinating thing about this
D.B. I have been actively studying this for 14 years,
thinking about it, planning for it. Now we have 19 specific
studies that we want to do, and all are important. Im
fairly greedy right now. I want them all. I cant predict
what will be most fascinating when the information comes in
nine years from now. But I dont need to wait that long
for satisfaction. The day-to-day activities of the mission
are interesting to me.
A.K. What is the riskiest part of the mission?
D.B. Bringing back a sample robotically is the riskiest
part. The Soviets did it in 1973, but they didnt leave
us any heritage. But it was done way back then and then forgotten
about, so we cannot build on their technology.
A.K. What will the science of space be like in 20 years?
How will this mission contribute?
D.B. We will have a much broader view of the solar system.
Now we are restricted to knowing about material that represents
Earth at 1 AU and meteorites bringing material from the asteroid
belt at 3 AU. This mission will nail down one corner of the
big picture; it will bring back a piece of the sun. Then the
Stardust mission will bring back samples from a comet. We
will know a lot more about differences among planetary objects.
We will be able to see whether our present view of the solar
system is too narrow or whether we can generalize. We will
have a better understanding of both chemistry and processes.
A.K. What else do you do at CIT?
D.B. I am a professor. I teach courses. I just got
done giving a final exam in "Introduction to Planetary
Science," so I have 27 finals to grade over the weekend
[Spring semester, 1998]. Two out of every three quarters I
am teaching a course. I teach at many levels. This course
was for sophomores [in college]. I also teach courses in upper
division and for graduate students.
A.K. What is your everyday work life like?
D.B. I am a morning person, so I am usually in here by
7 a.m. I start dragging by later in the afternoon, and I am
usually not awake after 9 or 10 at night. When I get to my
office, I read and write e-mails. Our Genesis Science Team
is working hard in Phase B to select materials. Later on we
will be developing the analytical instruments [to examine
the returned samples of solar wind]. There is also a lot of
project level e-mail.
I have some research going in addition to the Genesis project.
I have a post doc and a grad student. I talk with each about
half an hour a day. A few weeks ago I was writing a proposal
for continued funding for their work. That took about two
weeks. The emphasis and priorities fluctuate in my work. Except
for Genesis, the rest of my life has been small and orderly.
A.K. Are there any barriers to your work?
D.B. There are not enough hours in the day. There is so
much to be done. Science is basically infinite. Once you get
into research it always expands; it never converges. When
you answer one question, it raises six more.
Unlike some of my colleagues, I dont think searching
for funding is a barrier. I dont mind writing proposals.
It is important to see what I have done, what I am working
on, and where do I go from here.
A.K. What kind of career path and education led you
to become a scientist?
D.B. It was in grade 5 or 6. I never once gave a thought
to what I wanted to be. I made minor choices here and there.
In grade 6 we got to use science kits. The only one I remember
is a needle on a cork. You rubbed it with a magnet and made
it float.
I wasnt so much interested in the science labs. The
inherent material in science was so interesting. Sometimes
the experiments were frustrating. I like the accomplishment
of saying "So THATs how it works!" That satisfaction
was easy to come by in science for me.
A.K. What has been the most surprising thing about your
education and career history?
D.B. Nothing. I have been real lucky in that regard. I
said "Gee, I want to go this way or do that thing,"
and it happened. It was partly luck and partly my age. There
was more opportunity to do what I do back then. What I wanted
to do was considered of value. Now it is hard to get jobs
in science unless you are into computers. There are few fields
where it is easy to get a job.
A.K. What is your family life like?
D.B. My wife and I have three sons who are all grown.
They are spread out all over California. One is an engineer
working on radar design. One is just getting his certificate
to be a special education teacher. My third son was a whiz
kid at math. Then he went into theater arts and works at Dream
A.K. What are your leisure time activities?
D.B. I have lots. We go every weekend to our cabin
in the San Bernadino mountains. The weather there is beautiful.
I use my laptop while watching birds.
We have broad interests. We like history and listen to books
on tape on the two-hour drive to the cabin. I like folk music
and like to garden.
There is never enough time. I will have no problem with retirement;
I will have lots of things to do. CIT asked me for a statement,
so I told them I would retire at 70. But I will keep working
no matter who pays me, and that is all right with them.
A.K. Any advice for young scientists?
D.B. You need to do something that you are very very interested
in. You can always get a job if you are very very good at
it, so pick something youll like and study it until
you are very good.
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